
We can provide all of your civil & structural engineering needs from the initial site classification to certified structural engineered drawings. Our skills also extend to Energy Assessments, Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments, and Building Certification. Therefore, all of your building certification requirements can be completed under the one roof. Our skills are not limited to new builds as we are just as passionate about enhancement and adding value to older buildings. We have extensive experience in renovation and addition projects, which are ever so popular in the Perth market.

Services we provide to the residential building industry includes:

  • Site Classification
  • Structural design and drawings for new houses (single storey and multiple storey)
  • Structural design and drawings for renovations and extensions of existing houses
  • Concrete slab and footing design
  • Underpinning design
  • Concrete suspended slab design
  • Inspections at the various stages of construction (e.g. soil compaction test, pre‐pour inspection of concrete ground or  suspended slab)
  • Wall removal design
  • Structural certification
  • Structural engineer’s report
  • Design of retaining walls
  • Design of fences
  • Design of patios and pergolas
  • Design of concrete swimming pools
  • Energy Assessment
  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment